When All Your Data Works Together, It’s a Beautiful Thing

If you can leverage one single platform vs 34,456 of them, that’s a win, right?

We sure think so.

Housing all your data inputs under one umbrella so you can see everything in one place and make thoughtful, intentional decisions is the name of our game. There are two huge advantages to this:

1 - You can see what’s really working. With a consolidated view of your entire engagement plan, there’s nowhere to hide when it comes to attribution. You can really see which parts of your program are moving the needle. Maybe you want to move some spend around for better ROI?

2 - Instant, easy omnichannel. Instead of reviewing and evaluating each program in a silo, now they’re working seamlessly together. A Medscape program can trigger an email in a completely separate CRM program. Engagement with that email triggers us to notify a fulfillment partner to send out a sample. When everything collaborates, one tactic can trigger another tactic, creating a better user experience and a better, much more thoughtful approach.

Huge Advantages for Small and Mid-Sized Companies

Though we help companies of all sizes and with all kinds of needs throughout their growth cycle, we love helping the up-and-comers. 

Don’t have a team of data scientists already on the payroll? Want to avoid paying big bucks to agencies to do it for you? This is where we shine. We get all the players together and make sense of the tactics, the ROI and the segmenting across the different platforms.  

Better Omnichannel Drives Better Results

And of course, when you have better data, and when all your powerful data partners are working together, we drive much more nuanced and targeted engagement. If Dr. Jones just watched a specific video on Medscape, we’ll send her the next logical piece of the narrative. We’ll send her something about efficacy or compliance or dosing because we know she’s already taken the time to watch the initial familiarization video. We can follow up very quickly with a more meaningful message because we know exactly what she’s doing. 

New Partner Integrations all the Time

Maybe best of all, we are constantly inviting new partners to the party. From Nipper and Swoop to Fresia and Viva, we listen to our clients when they tell us who they’re working with, and then every quarter, we add new companies to our data integration pipeline.